Ráčky od kamarádek

sobota 15. ledna 2011

First snow - Irene Alexeeva

GSO in DST from Joanne and GSO in SDD from ladydsw00
Thank you !!!

Happiness - Lilibule Scrap Design

buy @Scrap ta Boutic and @SunflowerScrap

čtvrtek 13. ledna 2011

středa 12. ledna 2011

pondělí 10. ledna 2011

Happy Birthday - GT Designs

buy @Digi Boutik nebo na MMB za korunky
a nebo přes e-mail gtdesigns@seznam.cz

sobota 8. ledna 2011

Follow Design´s by Kat blog and WIN!

Have you been following Kat´s blog yet? If not, be sure to do so, because tomorrow three of you will win a $6 coupon to Kat´s store!
And there are more goodies and challenges to come soon :).

pátek 7. ledna 2011


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